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DesignWeaver: Dimensional Scaffolding for Text-to-Image Product Design

DesignWeaver: Dimensional Scaffolding for Text-to-Image Product Design

Sirui Tao, Ivan Liang, Cindy Peng, Zhiqing Wang, Srishti Palani, Steven P. Dow. To appear in the Proceedings of CHI 2025.

Productive vs. Reflective: How Different Ways of Integrating AI into Design Workflows Affect Cognition and Motivation

Productive vs. Reflective: How Different Ways of Integrating AI into Design Workflows Affect Cognition and Motivation

Xiaotong (Tone) Xu, Arina Konnova, Bianca Gao, Cindy Peng, Dave Vo, and Steven P. Dow. To appear in the Proceedings of CHI 2025.

ProcessGallery: Contrasting Early and Late Iterations for Design Principle Learning

ProcessGallery: Contrasting Early and Late Iterations for Design Principle Learning

Yu-Chun Grace Yen, Jane L. E, Hyoungwook Jin, Mingyi Li, Grace Lin, Isabelle Yan Pan, and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of ACM Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 8, CSCW1, Article 112 (April 2024).

MetaWriter: Exploring the Potential and Perils of AI Writing Support in Scientific Peer Review

MetaWriter: Exploring the Potential and Perils of AI Writing Support in Scientific Peer Review

Lu Sun, Stone Tao, Junjie Hu, and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of ACM Human-Computer Interaction. Vol. 8, CSCW1, Article 94 (April 2024).

When to Give Feedback: Exploring Tradeoffs in the Timing of Design Feedback

When to Give Feedback: Exploring Tradeoffs in the Timing of Design Feedback

Jane L. E, Yu-Chun Grace Yen, Isabelle Yan Pan, Grace Lin, Mingyi Li, Hyoungwook Jin, Mengyi Chen, Haijun Xia, and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition, 2024.

Exploring the Potential for Generative AI-based Conversational Cues for Real-Time Collaborative Ideation

Exploring the Potential for Generative AI-based Conversational Cues for Real-Time Collaborative Ideation

Jude Rayan, Nicole Gong, Yuewen Yang, Dhruv Kanetkar, Srishti Palani, Haijun Xia, and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition, 2024.
Idea-Centric Search: Four Patterns of Information Seeking During Creative Ideation

Idea-Centric Search: Four Patterns of Information Seeking During Creative Ideation

Xiaotong (Tone) Xu, Tiffany Lee, Azzaya Munkhbat, Srishti Palani and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of ACM Creativity and Cognition, 2024.
Jamplate: Exploring LLM-Enhanced Templates for Idea Reflection

Jamplate: Exploring LLM-Enhanced Templates for Idea Reflection

Xiaotong (Tone) Xu, Jiayu Yin, Catherine Gu, Jenny Mar, Sydney Zhang, Jane L. E, and Steven P. Dow. 2024. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’24).
ReviewFlow: Intelligent Scaffolding to Support Academic Peer Reviewing

ReviewFlow: Intelligent Scaffolding to Support Academic Peer Reviewing

 Lu Sun, Aaron Chan, Yun Seo Chang, and Steven P. Dow. 2024. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’24).
Graphologue: Exploring Large Language Model Responses with Interactive Diagrams

Graphologue: Exploring Large Language Model Responses with Interactive Diagrams

Peiling Jiang, Jude Rayan, Steven P. Dow and Haijun Xia. In the Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Nov. 2023.

Who’s in the Crowd Matters: Cognitive Factors and Beliefs Predict Misinformation Assessment Accuracy

Who’s in the Crowd Matters: Cognitive Factors and Beliefs Predict Misinformation Assessment Accuracy

Robert Kaufman, Michael Haupt, and Steven P. Dow. To appear in the Proceedings of ACM Human-Computer Interaction. Vol. 6, CSCW2, Article 553 (Nov 2022).

InterWeave: Presenting Search Suggestions in Context Scaffolds Information Search and Synthesis

InterWeave: Presenting Search Suggestions in Context Scaffolds Information Search and Synthesis

Srishti Palani, Yingyi Zhou, Sheldon Zhu, Steven P. Dow. In the Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Nov. 2022.

Comparing Experts and Novices for AI Data Work: Insights on Allocating Human Intelligence to Design a Conversational Agent

Comparing Experts and Novices for AI Data Work: Insights on Allocating Human Intelligence to Design a Conversational Agent

Lu Sun, Yuhan Liu, Grace Joseph, Zhou Yu, Haiyi Zhu, and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, 10(1), 195-206.

A Framework for Open Civic Design: Integrating Public Participation, Crowdsourcing, and Design Thinking

A Framework for Open Civic Design: Integrating Public Participation, Crowdsourcing, and Design Thinking

Brandon Reynante, Narges Mahyar, and Steven P. Dow. In the ACM Journal for Digital Government: Research and Practice, 2021.

IdeateRelate: An Examples Gallery that Helps Creators Explore Ideas in Relation to Their Own

IdeateRelate: An Examples Gallery that Helps Creators Explore Ideas in Relation to Their Own

Xiaotong (Tone) Xu, Rosaleen Xiong, Boyang Wang, David Min, and Steven P. Dow. In the Proceedings of ACM Human-Computer Interaction. 5, CSCW2, Article 352 (October 2021).

Framing Creative Work: Helping Novices Frame Better Problems through Interactive Scaffolding

Framing Creative Work: Helping Novices Frame Better Problems through Interactive Scaffolding

Stephen MacNeil, Zijian Ding, Kexin Quan, Thomas Parashos, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C’21), 2021.

CoNotate: Suggesting Queries Based on Notes Promotes Knowledge Discovery

CoNotate: Suggesting Queries Based on Notes Promotes Knowledge Discovery

Srishti Palani, Zijian Ding, Austin Nguyen, Andrew Chuang, Stephen MacNeil, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21), 2021.

Finding Place in a Design Space: Challenges for Supporting Community Design Efforts at Scale

Finding Place in a Design Space: Challenges for Supporting Community Design Efforts at Scale

Stephen MacNeil, Zijian Ding, Ashley Boone, Bryce Grubbs, and Steven P. Dow. In Proceedings of ACM Human-Computer Interaction. 5, CSCW1, Article 172 (April 2021), 30 pages.

The “Active Search” Hypothesis: How Search Strategies Relate to Creative Learning

The “Active Search” Hypothesis: How Search Strategies Relate to Creative Learning

Srishti Palani, Zijian Ding, Stephen MacNeil, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR’21), pg. 325–329, 2021.

ProtoTeams: Supporting Team Dating in Co-Located Settings

ProtoTeams: Supporting Team Dating in Co-Located Settings

Gustavo Umbelino, Matin Yarmand, Samual Blake, Vivian Ta, Amy Lou, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2020.

Rare, but Valuable: Understanding Data-centered Talk in News Website Comment Sections

Rare, but Valuable: Understanding Data-centered Talk in News Website Comment Sections

Brian McInnis, Lu Sun, Jungwon Shin, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2020.

Critique Me: Exploring How Creators Publicly Request Feedback in an Online Critique Community

Critique Me: Exploring How Creators Publicly Request Feedback in an Online Critique Community

Ruijia Cheng, Ziwen Zeng, Maysnow Liu, and Steven Dow. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2020.

Schema and Metadata Guide the Collective Generation of Relevant and Diverse Work

Schema and Metadata Guide the Collective Generation of Relevant and Diverse Work

Xiaotong (Tone) Xu, Judy Fan, and Steven P. Dow. In AAAI Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), 2020.

The Civic Data Deluge: Understanding the Challenges of Analyzing Large-Scale Community Input

The Civic Data Deluge: Understanding the Challenges of Analyzing Large-Scale Community Input

Narges Mahyar, Diana V. Nguyen, Maggie Chan, Jiayi Zheng, and Steven P. Dow, In ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2019.

Structuring Online Dyads: Explanations Improve Creativity, Chats lead to Convergence

Structuring Online Dyads: Explanations Improve Creativity, Chats lead to Convergence

Faez Ahmed, Nischal Reddy Chandra, Mark Fuge, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2019

How Features of a Civic Design Competition Influences the Collective Understanding of a Problem

How Features of a Civic Design Competition Influences the Collective Understanding of a Problem

Brian McInnis, Xiaotong (Tone) Xu, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2018.

The Problem Solver and The Artisan Designer: Strategies for Utilizing Design Idea Archives

The Problem Solver and The Artisan Designer: Strategies for Utilizing Design Idea Archives

Nanna Inie, Allison Endo, Steven P. Dow, and Peter Dalsgaard. In ACM Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2018.

Paragon: An Online Gallery for Enhancing Design Feedback with Visual Examples

Paragon: An Online Gallery for Enhancing Design Feedback with Visual Examples

Hyeonsu B. Kang Gabriel Amoako, Neil Sengupta, and Steven P. Dow. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018.

CommunityCrit: Inviting the Public to Improve and Evaluate Urban Design Ideas through Micro-Activities

CommunityCrit: Inviting the Public to Improve and Evaluate Urban Design Ideas through Micro-Activities

Narges Mahyar, Michael R. James, Michelle M. Ng, Reginald A. Wu, and Steven P. Dow. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018.

ConsensUs: Supporting Multi-Criteria Group Decisions by Visualizing Points of Disagreement

ConsensUs: Supporting Multi-Criteria Group Decisions by Visualizing Points of Disagreement

Weichen Liu, Sijia Xiao, Jacob T. Browne, Ming Yang, and Steven P. Dow. In Journal of Social Computing, Volume 1, Issue 1, Article No. 4, 2018.

Crowdboard: Augmenting In-Person Idea Generation with Real-Time Crowds

Crowdboard: Augmenting In-Person Idea Generation with Real-Time Crowds

Salvatore Andolina, Hendrik Schneider, Joel Chan, Khalil Klouche, Giulio Jacucci, and Steven Dow. SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2017.

Listen to Others, Listen to Yourself: Combining Feedback Review and Reflection to Improve Iterative Design

Listen to Others, Listen to Yourself: Combining Feedback Review and Reflection to Improve Iterative Design

Yu-Chun Grace Yen, Steven P. Dow, Elizabeth Gerber, and Brian P. Bailey. SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2017.

Semantically Far Inspirations Considered Harmful? Accounting for Cognitive States in Collaborative Ideation

Semantically Far Inspirations Considered Harmful? Accounting for Cognitive States in Collaborative Ideation

Joel Chan, Pao Siangliulue, Denisa Qori McDonald, Ruixue Liu, Reza Moradinezhad, Safa Aman, Erin T. Solovey, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, and Steven P. Dow. SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 2017.

Online Feedback Exchange: A Framework for Understanding the Socio-Psychological Factors

Online Feedback Exchange: A Framework for Understanding the Socio-Psychological Factors

Eureka Foong, Steven P. Dow, Brian P. Bailey, and Elizabeth M. Gerber. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017.

Critique Style Guide: Improving Crowdsourced Design Feedback with a Natural Language Model

Critique Style Guide: Improving Crowdsourced Design Feedback with a Natural Language Model

Markus Krause, Tom Garncarz, JiaoJiao Song, Elizabeth M. Gerber, Brian P. Bailey, and Steven P. Dow. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017.

Better Organization or a Source of Distraction? Introducing Digital Peer Feedback to a Paper-Based Classroom

Better Organization or a Source of Distraction? Introducing Digital Peer Feedback to a Paper-Based Classroom

Amy Shannon, Alex Sciuto, Danielle Hu, Steven P. Dow, and Jessica Hammer. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017.

From in the Class or in the Wild?: Peers Provide Better Design Feedback Than External Crowds

From in the Class or in the Wild?: Peers Provide Better Design Feedback Than External Crowds

Helen Wauck, Yu-Chun (Grace) Yen, Wai-Tat Fu, Elizabeth Gerber, Steven P. Dow, and Brian P. Bailey. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017.

Fruitful Feedback: Positive Affective Language and Source Anonymity Improve Critique Reception and Work Outcomes

Fruitful Feedback: Positive Affective Language and Source Anonymity Improve Critique Reception and Work Outcomes

Mary Duyen Nguyen, Tom Garncarz, Felicia Ng, Laura Dabbish, and Steven P. Dow. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2017.

Team Dating Leads to Better Online Ad Hoc Collaborations

Team Dating Leads to Better Online Ad Hoc Collaborations

Ioanna Lykourentzou, Robert E. Kraut, and Steven P. Dow. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2017.

IdeaHound: improving large-scale collaborative ideation with crowd-powered real-time semantic modeling

IdeaHound: improving large-scale collaborative ideation with crowd-powered real-time semantic modeling

Pao Siangliulue, Joel Chan, Steven P. Dow, and Krzysztof Z. Gajos. In Proceedings of User Interface Software and Technology, 2016.

PeerPresents: A Web-Based System for In-Class Peer Feedback during Student Presentations

PeerPresents: A Web-Based System for In-Class Peer Feedback during Student Presentations

Amy Shannon, Jessica Hammer, Hassler Thurston, Natalie Diehl, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2016.

Social Network, Web Forum, or Task Market?: Comparing Different Crowd Genres for Design Feedback Exchange

Social Network, Web Forum, or Task Market?: Comparing Different Crowd Genres for Design Feedback Exchange

Yu-Chu (Grace) Yen, Steven P. Dow, Elizabeth Gerber, and Brian P. Bailey. ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2016.

Comparing Different Sensemaking Approaches for Large-Scale Ideation

Comparing Different Sensemaking Approaches for Large-Scale Ideation

Joel Chan, Steven Dang, and Steven P. Dow, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016.

WearWrite: Crowd-Assisted Writing from Smartwatches

WearWrite: Crowd-Assisted Writing from Smartwatches

Michael Nebeling, Alexandra To, Anhong Guo, Adrian de Freitas, Jaime Teevan, Steven P. Dow, Jeff P. Bigham, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016.

Improving Crowd Innovation with Expert Facilitation

Improving Crowd Innovation with Expert Facilitation

Joel Chan, Steven Dang, and Steven P. Dow, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2016.

Almost an Expert: The Effects of Rubrics and Expertise on Perceived Value of Crowdsourced Design Critiques

Almost an Expert: The Effects of Rubrics and Expertise on Perceived Value of Crowdsourced Design Critiques

Alvin Yuan, Kurt Luther, Markus Krause, Sophie Isabel Vennix, Steven P. Dow, and Bjoern Hartmann, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2016

Personality Matters: Balancing for Personality Types Leads to Better Outcomes for Crowd Teams

Personality Matters: Balancing for Personality Types Leads to Better Outcomes for Crowd Teams

Ioanna Lykourentzou, Angeliki Antoniou, and Steven P. Dow, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2016. (Honorable Mention Award)

Crowdlines: Supporting Synthesis of Diverse Information Sources through Crowdsourced Outlines

Crowdlines: Supporting Synthesis of Diverse Information Sources through Crowdsourced Outlines

Kurt Luther, Nathan Hahn, Steven P. Dow, and Aniket Kittur, AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2015.

Using Anonymity and Communal Efforts to Improve Quality of Crowdsourced Feedback

Using Anonymity and Communal Efforts to Improve Quality of Crowdsourced Feedback

Julie Hui, Amos Glenn, Rachel Jue, Elizabeth Gerber, Steven P. Dow, AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2015.

Providing Timely Examples Improves the Quantity and Quality of Generated Ideas

Providing Timely Examples Improves the Quantity and Quality of Generated Ideas

Pao Siangliulue, Joel Chan, Krzysztof Gajos, & Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Creativity and Cognition, C&C 2015. (Nominated for Best Contribution to Creative Communication)

Exploring Privacy and Accuracy Trade-Offs in Crowdsourced Behavioral Video Coding

Exploring Privacy and Accuracy Trade-Offs in Crowdsourced Behavioral Video Coding

Walter S. Lasecki, Mitchell Gordon, Winnie Leung, Ellen Lim, Jeffrey P. Bigham and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2015.

A Classroom Study of Using Crowd Feedback in the Iterative Design Process.

A Classroom Study of Using Crowd Feedback in the Iterative Design Process.

Anbang Xu, Huaming Rao, Brian Bailey, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media, CSCW 2015.

Exiting the Design Studio: Leveraging Online Participants for Early-Stage Design Feedback

Exiting the Design Studio: Leveraging Online Participants for Early-Stage Design Feedback

Xiaojuan Ma, Li Yu, Jodi Forlizzi, and Steven P.Dow. In Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media, CSCW 2015.

Toward Collaborative Ideation at Scale

Toward Collaborative Ideation at Scale

Leveraging Ideas from Others to Generate More Creative and Diverse Ideas. Pao Siangliulue, Kenneth Arnold, Krzysztof Gajos, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media, CSCW 2015.

Scaffolding, Aggregating, and Evaluating Crowdsourced Design Critique

Scaffolding, Aggregating, and Evaluating Crowdsourced Design Critique

Kurt Luther, Jari-lee Tolentino, Wei Wu, Amy Pavel, Maneesh Agrawala, Brian Bailey, Bjoern Hartmann, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media, CSCW 2015.

Do the best design ideas (really) come from conceptually distant sources of inspiration?

Do the best design ideas (really) come from conceptually distant sources of inspiration?

Joel Chan, Steven P. Dow, and Christopher Schunn. Design Studies, January 2015. (Best Paper of 2015 Award)

IdeaGens: A Social Ideation System for Guided Crowd Brainstorming

IdeaGens: A Social Ideation System for Guided Crowd Brainstorming

Joel Chan, Steven Dang, Peter Kremer, Lucy Guo, and Steven Dow. In extended abstracts of AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2014.

Glance: Rapidly Coding Behavioral Video with the Crowd

Glance: Rapidly Coding Behavioral Video with the Crowd

Walter S. Lasecki, Mitchell Gordon, Danai Koutra, Malte F. Jung, Steven P. Dow, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. In Conference on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2014.

Attendee-Sourcing: Exploring The Design Space of Community-Informed Conference Scheduling.

Attendee-Sourcing: Exploring The Design Space of Community-Informed Conference Scheduling.

Anant Bhardwaj, Juho Kim, Steven P. Dow, David Karger, Sam Madden, Rob Miller, and Haoqi Zhang. AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2014.

Glance Privacy: Obfuscating Personal Identity While Coding Behavioral Video

Glance Privacy: Obfuscating Personal Identity While Coding Behavioral Video

Mitchell Gordon, Walter S. Lasecki, Winnie Leung, Ellen Lim, Steven P. Dow, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. In extended abstracts of AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP 2014.

Crowd-Based Design Activities: Helping Students Connect with Users Online

Crowd-Based Design Activities: Helping Students Connect with Users Online

Julie Hui, Elizabeth M. Gerber, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, DIS 2014.

Supporting the Synthesis of Information in Design Teams.

Supporting the Synthesis of Information in Design Teams.

Raja Gumienny, Steven P. Dow, and Christoph Meinel. In Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, DIS 2014.

Glance: enabling rapid interactions with data using the crowd

Glance: enabling rapid interactions with data using the crowd

Walter S. Lasecki, Mitchell Gordon, Steven P. Dow, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. In extended abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2014.

Generating Implications for Design through Design Research

Generating Implications for Design through Design Research

Corina Sas, Steve Whittaker, Steven P. Dow, Jodi Forlizzi, and John Zimmerman. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2014.

Frenzy: Collaborative Data Organization for Creating Conference Sessions

Frenzy: Collaborative Data Organization for Creating Conference Sessions

Lydia Chilton, Juho Kim, Paul André, Felicia Cordeiro, James A. Landay, Daniel S. Weld, Steven P. Dow, Robert C. Miller, and Haoqi Zhang. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2014. (Honorable Mention Award)

Overreliance on conceptually far sources decreases the creativity of ideas.

Overreliance on conceptually far sources decreases the creativity of ideas.

Joel Chan, Christopher Schunn, and Steven P. Dow. In Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2014.

Reviewing versus Doing: Learning and Performance in Crowd Assessment

Reviewing versus Doing: Learning and Performance in Crowd Assessment

Haiyi Zhu, Steven P. Dow, Robert E. Kraut, and Aniket Kittur. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2014.

Conceptual Distance Matters When Building on Others’ Ideas in Crowd-Collaborative Innovation Platforms

Conceptual Distance Matters When Building on Others’ Ideas in Crowd-Collaborative Innovation Platforms

Joel Chan, Steven P. Dow, and Christian Schunn. In extended abstracts of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW EA 2014.

CrowdCrit: Crowdsourcing and Aggregating Visual Design Critique

CrowdCrit: Crowdsourcing and Aggregating Visual Design Critique

Kurt Luther, Amy Pavel, Wei Wu, Jari-lee Tolentino, Maneesh Agrawala, Björn Hartmann, and Steven P. Dow. In extended abstracts of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW EA 2014.

Crowd Synthesis: Extracting Categories and Clusters from Complex Data

Crowd Synthesis: Extracting Categories and Clusters from Complex Data

Paul Andre, Niki Kittur, Steven P. Dow, In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2014.

Community Clustering: Leveraging an Academic Crowd to Form Coherent Conference Sessions

Community Clustering: Leveraging an Academic Crowd to Form Coherent Conference Sessions

Paul Andre, Haoqi Zhang, Juho Kim, Lydia Chilton, Steven P. Down, Robert C. Miller, AAAI Human Computation, HCOMP 2013. (Notable Paper Award)

Crowdboard: An Augmented Whiteboard to Support Large-Scale Co-Design

Crowdboard: An Augmented Whiteboard to Support Large-Scale Co-Design

Salvatore Andolina, Daniel Lee, and Steven Dow. In Extended Abstracts of User Interface Software and Technology, UIST EA 2013.

Cobi: A Community-Informed Conference Scheduling Tool

Cobi: A Community-Informed Conference Scheduling Tool

Juho Kim, Haoqi Zhang, Paul Andre, Lydia B. Chilton, Wendy Mackay, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Robert C. Miller, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2013.

Investigating the Solution Space of an Open-Ended Educational Game Using Conceptual Feature Extraction

Investigating the Solution Space of an Open-Ended Educational Game Using Conceptual Feature Extraction

Erik Harpstead, Christopher J. MacLellan, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Vincent Aleven, Steven P. Dow, and Brad A. Myers. Conf on Educational Data Mining, 2013.

Let’s Get Together: The Formation and Success of Online Creative Collaborations

Let’s Get Together: The Formation and Success of Online Creative Collaborations

Burr Settles and Steven P. Dow. ACM CHI Conference, 2013.

A Preliminary Study of Using Crowds in the Classroom

A Preliminary Study of Using Crowds in the Classroom

Steven P. Dow, Liz Gerber, and Audris Wong. ACM CHI Conference, 2013.

Early and Repeated Exposure to Examples Improves Creative Work

Early and Repeated Exposure to Examples Improves Creative Work

Chinmay Kulkarni, Steven P. Dow, and Scott R. Klemmer. In Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2012.

Shepherding the Crowd Yields Better Work

Shepherding the Crowd Yields Better Work

Steven P. Dow, Anand Kulkarni, Scott R Klemmer, and Björn Hartmann. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2012.

Prototyping Dynamics: Sharing Multiple Designs Improves Exploration, Group Rapport, and Results

Prototyping Dynamics: Sharing Multiple Designs Improves Exploration, Group Rapport, and Results

Steven P. Dow, Julie Fortuna, Dan Schwartz, Beth Altringer, Daniel L Schwartz, and Scott R Klemmer. ACM CHI Conference, 2011.

Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Self-Efficacy

Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Self-Efficacy

Steven P. Dow, Alana Glassco, Jonathan Kass, Melissa Schwarz, Daniel L Schwartz, Scott R Klemmer, Trans on Computer-Human Interaction, 11(4), 2010.

Eliza meets the Wizard-of-Oz: Blending Machine and Human Control of Embodied Characters

Eliza meets the Wizard-of-Oz: Blending Machine and Human Control of Embodied Characters

Steven P. Dow, Manish Mehta, Blair MacIntyre, Michael Mateas, ACM CHI Conference, 2010.

The Efficacy of Prototyping Under Time Constraints

The Efficacy of Prototyping Under Time Constraints

Steven P. Dow, Kate Heddleston, Scott R. Klemmer, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition, 2009.